December 2017

Radioactive Waste 326 - Researchers in England Find That Arsenic In The Soil Can Prevent The Migration Of Uranium From Old Mine

       One problem with nuclear power that does not get much media attention is the aftermath of uranium mining. Once a mine is closed, there is a danger of groundwater migrating uranium out of the area of the mine and into the surrounding environment.

Nuclear Reactors 536 - Kenya Does Not Need Nuclear Power

       There are a lot reasons that nuclear power is not a good idea in general. Then there are reasons that are specific to a particular country. In the developing world, there are countries whose need for electricity may not warrant the expense and problems of developing nuclear power plants, but they still want them as some sort of symbol of their dedication to improving their economy and society.

Nuclear Fusion 39 - Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory Pioneering Use Of Artificial Intelligence To Control Tokamaks

       One of the biggest problems with the development of nuclear fusion reactors based on the tokamak design has to do with the appearance of major disruptions in the control of the plasma in the donut shaped chamber. When these disruptions occur, the fusion reaction can stop and the walls of the containment vessel can be damaged.
