Geiger Readings for July 8, 2014
My Geiger counter is in the shop for maintenance.
Nuclear Reactors 141 - Generation IV Nuclear Reactors
Nations that export nuclear technology such as China and Russia are pouring a lot of resources into developing the "next" generation of commercial nuclear power reactors. This type of reactor is also knows as a Generation IV reactor (current power reactors are considered Generation III.) There are several different designed being pursued.
Geiger Readings for July 7, 2014
My Geiger counter is in the shop for maintenance.
Radiation News Roundup July 6, 2014
Decontamination soil bags are already starting to be torn in Fukushima.
Geiger Readings for July 6, 2014
My Geiger counter is in the shop for maintenance.
Geiger Readings for July 5, 2014
My Geiger counter is in the shop for maintenance.
Independence Day Thoughts 2014
Today is the Fourth of July. We celebrate the successful American Revolution that won our independence. Psychologists say that independence is one of the most important things to human beings. The ability to determine the course of our own lives and make our own choices is one of the things we brag about with respect to the United States.