Nuclear Weapons 80 - He-3 Shortage Drives Search for New Neutron Detectors
Helium-3 is an isotope of helium. He-3 has two protons and one neutron. He-3 is found in the solar wind. The Earth's magnetic field pushes it away so little reaches the Earth. The Moon is thought to have significant He-3 because of billions of years of bombardment without a magnetic field to push away the He-3. When it was predicted in 1934, He-3 was thought to be radioactive.
Geiger Readings for June 5, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 128 - Exelon Working with Illinois Speaker of the House to Keep Reactors Operating
I have posted before about the economics of nuclear power. Nuclear power plants are being shut down in the U.S. because the operators cannot make a profit due to the cost of repairs and the availability of cheap natural gas. It used to be that nuclear plant operators could count on a guaranteed price for twenty years for their electricity even if they could not compete in the open market for power.
Geiger Readings for June 4, 2014
565- Thorium 9 - 10 Reasons that Thorium is a Poor Choice for Nuclear Fuel
I have blogged about thorium as a nuclear fuel before.
Thorium is being pushed by some in the nuclear industry as a better nuclear fuel alternative that uranium. Here are ten reasons that this may not necessarily be true.