Nuclear Reactors 536 - Kenya Does Not Need Nuclear Power

       There are a lot reasons that nuclear power is not a good idea in general. Then there are reasons that are specific to a particular country. In the developing world, there are countries whose need for electricity may not warrant the expense and problems of developing nuclear power plants, but they still want them as some sort of symbol of their dedication to improving their economy and society.

Nuclear Weapons 325 - The Old Mutually Assured Destruction To Prevent Nuclear War Is In Decline

       Since the 1950s, arsenals of nuclear warheads have balanced each other in what is called “mutually assured destruction” or MAD. For decades, the possibility that even a small nuclear exchange could severely impact human civilization has “kept the peace.”

Terrafame To Begin Extracting Uranium From The Sotkamo Mine in Finland

        Heap leaching has been used for a long time to extract metals and other materials from heaps of mined ore. A liner is placed under the heap of ore and a solution containing cyanide is dripped onto the heap. As the liquid travels through the heap, it interacts with metals and other compounds in the ore.
