Geiger Readings for Jul 28, 2017
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 84 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 97 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 109 nanosieverts per hour
The Hong Kong Governments Plans For Nuclear Emergencies - Part One of Two Parts
Part One of Two Parts
Geiger Readings for Jul 27, 2017
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 91 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 99 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 92 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Reactors 291 - The Story Of The Savannah, The First And Only U.S. Nuclear Powered Cargo Ship
After the end of World War II, the age of the “peaceful atom” started. There were plans for the peaceful use of atomic energy and atomic bombs. Some of these ideas were ridiculous and quickly abandoned. There were suggestions that atomic bombs could be used to dig canals and even frack underground formation to release natural gas.
Geiger Readings for Jul 26, 2017
Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 93 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 101 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 104 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Fusion 34 - Google And Tri Alpha Energy Have Developed A New Algorithm To Help Stabalize Plasmas
I have been blogging about nuclear fusion lately as a source of energy. In nuclear fusion, light nuclei like hydrogen and helium are fused into heavier nuclei. An enormous amount of energy is released when nuclei fuse. Nuclear fusion research has absorbed billions of dollars over the last sixty years but has yet to yield a commercial power generation system.