Geiger Readings for Jun 04, 2017
Geiger Readings for Jun 03, 2017
New Theory Proposed About Origin Of Many Uranium Ore Deposits
While other elements have been used in nuclear reactors to generate energy, the primary fuel for nuclear power reactors is uranium. It is a silvery-white metal. Uranium is a chemical element that is symbolized by the letter “U.” Uranium has ninety two protons in its nucleus giving it an atomic number of 92. Uranium is the highest element on the periodic table that is naturally produced.
Geiger Readings for Jun 02, 2017
Radioactive Waste 233 - Licensing of Yucca Mountain Nuclear Repository Resumes
In 1982, the Nuclear Waste Policy Act was passed by the U.S. Congress. This bill made the U.S. government responsible for the permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel being generated by commercial nuclear power reactors operating in the U.S. The federal government was supposed to create a permanent geological repository for the spent nuclear fuel by 1998.