Radioactive Waste 226 - Hanford Emergency Declared As Soil Above Railroad Tunnel Subsides

       I have often blogged about the one hundred and fifty acre Hanford Nuclear Reservation in south central Washington State. After decades of nuclear weapons development which ended around 1990 with the end of the Cold War, the Hanford site is one of the most radioactively polluted areas on Earth. The U.S.

Radioactive Waste 225 - Breakthroughs In Plutonium Chemistry At The University of Florida.

       Plutonium is produced in conventional nuclear reactors. The plutonium can be treated as waste and disposed of. It can be extracted from the spent nuclear fuel and be used to create new mixed uranium/plutonium fuel. It can also be extracted, refined and used to produce nuclear weapons. Combined civilian and military stockpiles worldwide probably exceed five hundred tons.
