Nuclear Reactors 454 - European Union Nervous About Purchase Of Russian Nuclear Reactors

       I have often mentioned in blog posts that nuclear power has serious international political issues. Major countries with nuclear industries such as the U.S., Russia, China, Japan and South Korea are trying to sell nuclear power reactors to other nations. These are such huge projects that they inevitably become involved with the political and economic relationships between the seller and the buyer.

Nuclear Weapons 250 - Dangers Of Pakistan Move To Tactical Nuclear Weapons

       I have blogged about Pakistan's nuclear arsenal and nuclear policies before. Pakistan has over a hundred nuclear warheads and the means to deliver them. They are in a tense relationship with their neighbor India which also has over a hundred nuclear warheads and multiple delivery systems.

Nuclear Weapons 249 - China Opts For Small But Effective Nuclear Arsenal

       Russia has about seven thousand nuclear warhead and the U.S. has about six thousand and eight hundred. Both countries have missiles, bombers and submarines to deliver those warheads. Both countries have announced ambitious plans to modernize their nuclear arsenals in the coming years. Each country believes that it needs such huge nuclear arsenal to deter an attack by the other.
