Geiger Readings for Dec 17, 2016
Nuclear Reactor 440 - New Radiation Resistant Alloys For Use In Nuclear Reactors
One of the key technical challenges of constructing a nuclear reactor is the choice of metal used to construct the core and to form the cladding on the fuel rods. The metal used in the reactor are subjected to high temperatures, high pressures and intense bombardment by radiation. When a neutron penetrates the metal in the core, it can displace an atom in the crystalline lattice.
Geiger Readings for Dec 16, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 439 - Expensive Nuclear Power Projects In The United Kingdom Under Fire From Critics
Critics of the United Kingdom nuclear program point out that while the huge costs overruns of already expensive nuclear projects continue to be funded, important government programs such as healthcare and social welfare programs are underfunded and facing further cuts.
Geiger Readings for Dec 15, 2016
Nuclear Reactors 438 - Japanese Government To Supply Additional Funding To U.K. Wylfa Newydd Nuclear Project
Japan is one of the few countries that manufactures and exports components for nuclear reactors.