Nuclear Weapons 204 - Armenia Is Smuggling Nuclear Materials

         Much has been written and said about the need for international security for nuclear weapons, nuclear reactors, stockpiles of nuclear materials and nuclear waste. There are international treaties and institutions dedicated to global nuclear security. There are some trouble areas in the world that need special attention to deal with nuclear security.

Nuclear Reactors 373 - Troubled Japanese Monju Fast Breeder Reactor May Be Decommissioned

       Monju is the name of a sodium-cooled fast breeder reactor located at the Tsuruga Nuclear Power Plant in the Fukui Prefecture of Japan. Monju uses mixed oxide fuel (MOX) that is a combination of uranium and plutonium. It has three coolant loops and is capable of producing two hundred and eighty megawatts. Construction began in 1986 and first criticality was achieved in 1994.
