Nuclear Reactors 320 - Thermal Pollution in Southern Florida Around Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station

        Yesterday, I blogged about the effects of thermal pollution from nuclear power plant cooling water on marine ecosystems. Today, I am going to talk about a specific case of problems related to the cooling system of the Turkey Point Nuclear Generating Station in Florida that ultimately dumps cooling water into Biscayne Bay near Miami.

Thermal Pollution from Nuclear Power Plants Has Serious Impact On Aquatic Ecosystems

        I have blogged a lot about the problems associated with nuclear power. One concern that I have not said much about is thermal pollution of waterways. A nuclear reactor requires a huge amount of water to cool the reaction process. This water is drawn from a lake, a river or an ocean. Once the water has served its purpose, it is returned to the body of water it was drawn from.

Nuclear Weapons 185 - U.S. Pentagon Planning for the Use of Nuclear Weapons

         Yesterday, I blogged about President Obama's plans to spend a trillion dollars in the next thirty years to upgrade and expand the U.S. nuclear arsenal in spite of his earlier support for nuclear disarmament. I am firmly convinced that even a small regional nuclear war could bring the collapse of civilization. A major nuclear exchange between the U.S.
