Nuclear Weapons 185 - U.S. President Pushes For Major Expansion of U.S. Nuclear Arsenal
Five members of the United Nations which are known to have nuclear weapons have signed the nuclear non-proliferation treaty (NPT); the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Russia and China. Four more members of the U.N. have never signed the NPT; India, Pakistan, Israel and South Sudan. The first three are known to have nuclear weapons. North Korea which is not a member of the U.N.
Geiger Readings for Jan 11, 2015
Geiger Readings for Jan 10, 2015
Geiger Readings for Jan 09, 2015
Nuclear Reactors 319 - Swedish Utilty Vattenfall Is Operating Nuclear Power Reactors At a Loss
I have been very critical of nuclear power in this blog. Recently I posted a list of reasons that nuclear power is a poor choice to fight climate change. Despite the many reasons against the use of nuclear power, the nuclear industry is still selling reactors into the third world. China claims to be building forty new reactors in the next five years.