Oak Ridge National Laboratory Is Now Producing Plutonium-238 For Space Missions

        I have blogged in the past about the U.S. shortage of plutonium-238. Plutonium-238 is an radioactive isotope of plutonium which is very useful in the construction of space probes for the exploration of space. It has a half-life of eighty eight years which means that its production of heat will take that long to fall to half its original output.

Nuclear Weapons 182 - Cold War Nuclear Bunker For Sale In Georgia

        In October of 2014, there was an article in the Irish Times about a secret underground bunker in the state of George in the U.S. that could supposedly survive a twenty kiloton nuclear bomb explosion. In July of 2015, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution ran a story about "places in Georgia that you cannot visit." Then, in November of 2015, there was series of stories in the media about the bunker.

Nuclear reactors 316 - The Chinese Have High Nuclear Ambitions

        I have blogged before about China's ambitious plans for expanding their use of nuclear power. The latest big Chinese five year plan covers from 2016 to 2020. The plan says that China is going to invest seventy eight billion dollars to build seven new reactors each year from 2016 to 2020. China will have eighty eight gigawatts of nuclear power by 2020 under the plan.

Nuclear Reactors 315 - The Global Price of Uranium Is Rising

        Following the nuclear disaster at Fukushima in March of 2011, the price of uranium plunged as reactors with turned off in several countries and new reactor projects were suspended across the world. By 2014, the price of uranium had fallen from sixty dollars a pound to twenty eight dollars a pound which was a nine-year low.
