Radioactive Waste 138 - Holtec Applying HI-STORM UMAX To Temporary Storage Of Spent Nuclear Fuel Storage In The U.S.

        The U.S. has a serious spent nuclear fuel problem. The cooling pools at U.S. nuclear power plants are rapidly filling up with spent nuclear fuel. There are about seventy thousand tons of spent nuclear fuel located at seventy sites in thirty-five states. In 1992, the U.S. government chose Yucca Mountain in Nevada for a permanent spent nuclear fuel geological repository to be in operation by 1999.

Nuclear Reactors 274 - Prefabrication of Nuclear Plant Components Not Solution to Cost Overruns and Scheduling Delays

           The global nuclear power industry is trying hard to convince everyone that nuclear power is a viable option and that safe and economical nuclear power plants can be built. Unfortunately, many nuclear power projects fall behind schedule and incur cost increases that can be multiples of original estimates.

Radioactive Waste 137 - Spain Selects Villar de Canas As The Site For A Temporary Nuclear Waste Storage Facility

          One of the big unsolved problems of nuclear power generation is the disposal of the spent nuclear fuel assemblies. In the U.S., the federal government was supposed to have a permanent spent nuclear fuel repository in Nevada at a Yucca Mountain salt mine.

Nuclear Reactors 273 - Washington City in Utah Considering Participating in Small Modular Reactor Project

         One of the big selling points of nuclear power is that it produces huge amounts of electricity. Reactors that generate over a billion watts of power are common. The smallest commercial power reactor in the U.S. is located at Fort Calhoun in Nebraska and it generates over five hundred megawatts.
