Nuclear Reactors 271 - Brattle Group Produces Biased Economics of Nuclear Power Report for Nuclear Matters

     The Brattle Group (BG) "answers complex economic, regulatory, and financial questions for corporations, law firms, and governments around the world." Recently, the BG prepared an economic analysis of the economic impact of nuclear power in the United States for a group called Nuclear Matters (NM).

New Metal Foams Under Development Promise Improve Shielding Against Nuclear Radiation

         One of the biggest problems in dealing with nuclear materials is the need to shield humans from the deleterious effects of nuclear radiation. Radioactive substances emit fast electrons referred to as beta particles, nuclei of helium atoms referred to alpha particles, neutrons and powerful photons referred to as gamma radiation.

Nuclear Weapons 147 - New Generation of Antineutrino Detectors May Help Monitor Iran Nuclear Program

       The reaching of an agreement between the U.N. Security Council and Iran with respect to Iran's nuclear program has been all over the news lately. One of the major points of negotiation, contention and discussion has to do with verifying the Iran is complying with the terms of the agreement. A framework for inspections of nuclear facilities is part of the agreement.
