Geiger Readings for Jul 04, 2015
Radioactive Waste 134 - Public Concerned About Kincardine Nuclear Waste Dump a Mile From Lake Huron in Ontario, Canada
One of the big unsolved problems with nuclear power is disposal of the spent nuclear fuel from the reactors.
Geiger Readings for Jul 03, 2015
Ambient office = 93 nanosieverts per hour
Nuclear Reactors 265 - The First Russian Floating Nuclear Power Plant Is Overbudget and Behind Schedule
I have devoted several blog posts recently to the idea of floating nuclear reactors. The Russians have been working on construction of their first floating reactor on a barge and recently scientists at MIT have proposed putting nuclear reactors on floating oil drilling rigs. The Russians want to tow their reactor barges to the Arctic, remote areas near the coast or coastal cities to supply power.
Geiger Readings for Jul 02, 2015
New Nuclear Battery May Be Available For Consumer Products
While nuclear subjects appear regularly in the news, they are usually dealing with "big" things like nuclear reactors, nuclear weapons, nuclear treaties, nuclear waste, nuclear accidents, etc.