Nuclear Reactors 258 - Citizens of Samcheok China Are Demanding The Cancellation of Plans For the Construction of Two New Power Reactors

       My last post was about the Chinese attempts to become involved in reactor financing and construction projects in the U.K. at the Hinkley Point nuclear power plant. The Chinese have embarked on a very ambitious domestic nuclear reactor construction program as well as efforts to sell their reactors to other nations.

Nuclear Reactors 257 - Unions and Academics Criticize Financing and Construction Plans for U.K. Hinkley Point EPR Project

        I recently blogged about the U.K. Hinkley Point reactor project which has been encountering problems with confidence in the French reactor designed by AREVA, price guarantees and foreign financing. Today I am going to write in more detail about the criticisms of the international financing plans for the project.

Radioactive Waste 133 - Waste Control Specialists Seek Nuclear Waste Fund Money For New Consolidated Interim Storage Facility in Texas

          Fifteen years ago, the United States Department of Energy was directed by law to take the title to spend nuclear fuel from commercial nuclear power plants for the purpose of permanent storage.

Radioactive Waste 132 - Rutgers University Finds Bacteria That Can Lock Uranium in Soil

          One of the major problems plaguing uranium mines,  nuclear waste dumps and areas where depleted uranium was widely used in munitions during wars is the leaking of radioactive materials into the ground which wind up polluting the ground water underneath the dump.
