Nuclear Weapons 123 - Three Scenarios of North Korean Nuclear Weapons Development in the Next Five Years

         North Korea has been in the news recently with respect to the theft of electronic records from the Sony studios in Los Angeles, California. They have also been making the usual threats to annihilate the U.S. with a rain of nuclear warheads.

Nuclear Reactor 213 - Lawsuit in Japan Challenges TEPCO Immunity from Liability for Fukushima Distaster

         I have blogged a lot about the March 11, 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster. I have also posted hundreds of links to articles about the situation at Fukushima as well as the social, political, economic and public health repercussions.

Radioactive Waste 119 - The World Health Organization Refuses To Release Study on the Effects of Depleted Uranium on the Health of the Iraqi People

         Most naturally occurring uranium is U-238 which is mildly radioactive. When the tiny amount of highly-radioactive U-235 in uranium ore is extracted and concentrated to make uranium fuel and nuclear weapons, the U-238 that is left in the processed ore is called "depleted uranium." It is very dense and makes excellent projectiles for use in munitions.
