Nuclear Reactors 192 - Michigan Nuclear Power Station Leaked 2,000 Gallons of Oil into Lake Michigan

         I often blog about nuclear power reactors. My focus has usually been on the radioactive material in the reactors and problems which may result in the release of radioactive materials into the environment. However, there is much more to a nuclear power plant than the reactors and their radioactive fuels. There are complex mechanical systems, complex electronic systems and complex human systems.

Nuclear Reactors 191 - Japan Changes Rules For Grid Access for Renewable Energy

         Following the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in March of 2011, Japan shut down all of it nuclear power plants. Abe, the new Prime Minister of Japan has targeted the domestic nuclear industry as being critical to the economic expansion of Japan, both internally and as a source exportable technology. Despite widespread public opposition, Abe has pushed forward to restart Japan's idle nuclear power reactors.
