South Africa's Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) has upheld an appeal from Westinghouse against Eskom's 2014 award of a contract for replacement steam generators for the Koeberg nuclear plant to Areva. The board of the State Nuclear Regulatory Inspectorate of Ukraine (SNRIU) has approved the continued operation of unit 2 of the South Ukraine nuclear power plant until the end of 2025. The unit was shut down on 10 May, two days before the expiry of its design lifetime, for major upgrading over 300 days costing $114 million to enable a 10-year life extension. Westinghouse Electric Company said Thursday that its nuclear fuel facility in Columbia, South Carolina, the Columbia Fuel Fabrication Facility, had reached a business milestone, having completed its 100,000th nuclear fuel assembly. International nuclear power corporation AREVA said that a subsidiary, AREVA Federal Services, had won an $8.6 million U.S. Department of Energy contract for design and fabrication of rail cars for nuclear material transportation.