Connecticut Congressman Joe Courtney is part of a bi-partisan group of house lawmakers to introduce a bill to help communities that are struggling with the cost of storing what is known as 'stranded nuclear waste.' A rare work stoppage continues by some Hanford Nuclear Reservation workers who contend that radioactive wastes left from the production of nuclear weapons are making them sick. UK regulators expect to complete the Generic Design Assessment (GDA) process for the Westinghouse AP1000 and Hitachi-GE's UK Advanced Boiling Water Reactor (UK ABWR) in March and December of 2017, respectively. In its quarterly GDA report for February to April 2016 issued yesterday, the Office for Nuclear Regulation also said it has "developed 'entry criteria' to provide transparency on the factors that underpin our decision on readiness to commence GDA" for China General Nuclear's HPR1000 design. Blue Castle Holdings announced that it is beginning the contractor selection process for its construction joint venture for the Blue Castle Project, a two-unit nuclear power plant in Green River, Utah, that is slated to use Westinghouse AP1000 designs.