Electricite de France's head of new nuclear projects Xavier Ursat told shareholders at the company's annual general meeting that the company was “working hard” to present India with technical and financial proposals that would culminate in six new reactors in India. nuclearstreet.com This summer, if all goes according to plan, the second reactor at Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant will begin supplying power to the US electrical grid. Construction on the reactor in Spring City, Tennessee, has proceeded in fits and starts since the project began in 1973. It will be the first new nuclear reactor to come online in the US since the first Watts Bar reactor was completed 20 years ago. qz.com The Senate on Wednesday rejected a Republican amendment that had renewed tensions over the Iran nuclear deal and threatened to derail chamber leaders’ efforts to pass spending bills this year. washingtonpost.com "It is time to start disabusing the Russian leadership of the notion that its nuclear saber-rattling is a safe, acceptable or successful tactic," Steven Pifer, the US diplomat and former Ambassador to Ukraine, claimed. pravdareport.com