Radiation News Roundup June 12, 2015 The potential restart of Japan's Sendai nuclear plant has now been pushed back to mid-August at the earliest. JAIF is now saying the plant may miss the entire summer energy peak season. fukuleaks.org Japan needs about 35 working nuclear reactors by 2030 to achieve the government’s long-term energy strategy to return the country’s dependence on nuclear energy to slightly under the level it was before the 2011 Fukushima disaster. ajw.asahi.com The U.N.’s International Atomic Energy Agency said its Board of Governors has approved an agreement with Kazakhstan for the establishment of a nuclear fuel Low Enriched Uranium Bank, which will maintain a reserve of LEU “as an assurance supply mechanism for Member States in case they cannot obtain LEU on the global commercial market, through State-to-State arrangements or through any other means.” nuclearstreet.com Lithuanian state enterprise Ignalina Nuclear Power Plant has applied to the country's regulator, Vatesi, for a licence to construct and operate a surface storage facility for low- and intermediate-level short-lived waste, known as the B25 project. world-nuclear-news.org