Radiation News Roundup Dec 14, 2015 On 12/5/2015, a citizen’s radiation measurement station “Fujimiiru” announced they detected 62.5 Bq/Kg of Cs-134/137 from the dust sample in Osaka. fukushima-diary.com After many years of negotiations, India and Japan have signed a memorandum on cooperating in nuclear energy. However, certain technical and legal issues must be resolved before a final agreement can be signed. world-nuclear-news.org India's Lok Sabha today passed, by voice vote, a bill to amend the Atomic Energy Act to "overcome difficulties encountered in the setting up of new nuclear projects and enhancement of nuclear power generation". ndtv.com THE South African Cabinet has approved the start of the nuclear procurement program, clearing the way for the Department of Energy to call for proposals to provide SA with 9.6GW of nuclear power without first doing a cost-benefit analysis. bdlive.co.za