Radiation News Roundup Apr 10, 2016 The freezing of soil around the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant to block the flow of groundwater is proceeding “largely smoothly,” the plant operator said April 4. asahi.com A nuclear expert visiting Fukushima said he saw many people who had radiation damage and that officials are keeping doctors from telling truth. enenews.com Sellafield Limited in the UK and the Electric Power Company in Japan have drawn up plans to assist each other with communications related to their respective decommissioning activities. These plans follow the signing of a cooperation agreement in 2014. world-nuclear-news.org Despite significant decommissioning steps accomplished, the United Nation's International Atomic Energy Agency has advised the Lithuanian government to review risks associated with the shuttered Ignalina Nuclear Plant (INPP) in the southeast corner of the country to ensure that cost estimates and scheduling for the dismantling project are realistic. nuclearstreet.com