Radiation News Roundup June 17, 2016 The Otsu District Court has today upheld an injunction that has kept units 3 and 4 of Kansai Electric Power Company's Takahama nuclear power plant offline since March. The Japanese utility announced it will remove the fuel from the units. world-nuclear-news.org EDF has informed the French nuclear regulator that it has adopted a new strategy for decommissioning its first generation, gas-cooled reactors (CGRs). Dismantling of the six reactors will take longer than previously planned as the company wants to complete the decommissioning of one unit before working on the others. world-nuclear-news.org A familiar Exelon Generation scenario is developing in New York, mirroring the recent standoff in Illinois that lead the decision to shut down the Quad Cities and Clinton nuclear power plants. nuclearstreet.com The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) said Friday it had completed its review of the flood protection improvements at the Oconee Nuclear Plant 30 miles west of Greenville, S.C., and found that modifications completed by Duke Energy at the facility would adequately protect the plant from any possible failure of the Jocassee Dam, which is located 12 miles upstream on the Keowee River. nuclearstreet.com