Nuclear News Roundup Oct 12, 2016 Technological innovation, government policies and lower growth expectations will have a significant impact on the global energy industry in the coming decade, according to the World Energy Council (WEC). It expects per capita energy demand to peak before 2030. Closing Switzerland's operating nuclear power plants by way of a referendum that will come to a vote in November would be premature, leaving the country with an energy gap, Swiss Energy Minister Doris Leuthard said on Tuesday. Cape Town - South Africa Energy Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson on Tuesday confirmed that Eskom would be taking charge of South Africa's nuclear build program, with her department staying on as the coordinating agent for the project. Florida Power & Light Co's. two nuclear power reactors in St. Lucie County's remain out of operation, but one could be back in service in days, officials said Tuesday.