She’s 21, has thyroid cancer, and wants people in her prefecture in northeastern Japan to get screened for it. A survey begun in April 2014 to check the impacts of the 2011 Fukushima nuclear crisis has found that 30 children have so far been diagnosed with thyroid cancer and 27 are suspected of having the disease, a prefectural government panel said on Monday. The joint declaration issued by India and the United States with respect to the construction of six nuclear power reactors in India by Westinghouse during the Indian Prime Minister’s visit to the U.S. is shocking as it effectively celebrates the undermining of India’s sovereign Nuclear Liability Act, passed by the parliament in 2010 to ensure justice to the victims in case of an accident. The Nuclear Regulatory Commission needs to develop a regulatory framework specifically for advanced nuclear reactors and review applications for them efficiently, vendors that are developing the next-generation nuclear reactors told the agency.