After thousands of people took to the streets of the eastern city of Lianyungang to protest the prospect of a nuclear-fuel-recycling plant there—drawing a warning from Communist officials—the local government said is temporarily suspending site-selection work. A recently discovered cover-up of a mishap in a nuclear power plant about 200km west of Hong Kong has triggered concerns over a shortage of nuclear technicians that may threaten the safety of the plants, industry insiders said. The future of nuclear power generation in Europe, North America and most of the developed world is being decided on an English coastal headland called Hinkley Point. When the state of New York moved last December to require utility companies to provide 50% of their power through renewable sources by 2030, questions about nuclear power naturally arose. Six nuclear reactors at four facilities currently provide more than 30% of the state’s electricity — and more than half of its low-carbon source. Four of those plants were at risk of closure owing to simple economics: they have not been able to compete with cheap natural gas.