The majority New Progressive Party in Puerto Rico's House of Representatives yesterday introduced a resolution instructing the chamber’s Government Committee to investigate the possibility of building nuclear power plants on the island, Caribbean News has reported. Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman is setting the foundations for the kingdom’s first nuclear “research reactor,” according to reports in Saudi media. The Netherlands will not be able to meet its clean air targets without reintroducing nuclear power, Klaas Dijkhoff, leader of the right-wing VVD in parliament, told current affairs show Nieuwsuur on Monday night. The 469 MW Dukovany-4 nuclear reactor in the Czech Republic will be offline in an unplanned outage for up to two weeks, operator CEZ said. Newstalk ZB host Andrew Dickens has started the conversation over the potential of switching to nuclear energy as the country faces record high energy prices. Many commentators believe New Zealand is in the beginning of a power crisis, with renewable energy coming under fire as an expensive alternative compared to traditional coal fired plants.