July 2013

Radioactive Waste 36 - Spent Fuel at Closed Reactors

           I have already blogged about the issue of the accumulating spent nuclear fuel rods at U.S. reactors. It is estimated that at the current rate, the spent fuel pools at the operating reactors in the U.S. will be full in five years. The old style casks that have been used for the temporary storage of spent fuel at operating reactors have been found to be inadequate. Some are leaking and others may be in the process of building up hydrogen gas which could explode.

Geiger Readings for July 1, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on July 01, 2013

Ambient office = .117 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .106 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .121 microsieverts per hour

Mango from local produce stand =  .127 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .135 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .121 microsieverts per hour
