February 2014

Radioactive Waste 55 - Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in England 1

              Yesterday, I blogged about illegal dumping of radioactive waste in a national nuclear repository in France. Continuing my focus on illegal radioactive waste dumping, today's blog is about illegal dumping in the United Kingdom. The UK Ministry of Defense has shipped waste from nuclear submarines based at Devenport in Plymouth to Driggs in Cumbria on the west coast of England for decades.

Radioactive Waste 54 - Illegal Nulcear Waste Dumping in France

          My last couple of blog entries have been about illegal dumping of radioactive waste by the Mafia in Italy. I decided to open this discussions to other countries in Europe. Today I am going to blog about illegal dumping in France. French law states clearly that it is not legal to bring nuclear wastes from other countries into French nuclear dump sites.

Radioactive Waste 53 - Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in Italy 2

          My last post was about how the Mafia in Italy was illegally dumping toxic waste including radioactive materials. I focused mainly on the Camorra Mafia in Campania, a southern state of Italy. I briefly mentioned the 'Ndrangheta Mafia in Calabria, a state in the toe of the Italian "boot." Today, I am going to delve deeper into the 'Ndrangheta and the international dumping that is going on.

Radioactive Waste 52 - Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in Italy 1

        In 1980, the Camorra Mafia took over the garbage removal in the Italian state of Campania. At the same time, the 'Ndrangheta Mafia moved into the garbage business in Calabria, another southern Italian state. The Mafia is drawn to garbage collection because " It’s easy to infiltrate, it’s a desperate necessity for every citizen, and it’s not terribly hard to do." Organized crime all over the world is in the garbage business.
