February 2016

Radioactive Waste 168 - Illegal Dumping of Fracking Waste in Blue Ridge Landfill in Kentucky

       Radioactive waste is a major global problem. It can be left over from various stages of the mining and refining of uranium. It can be a by-product of the creation of weapons grade nuclear materials. Radioactive materials are used in medicine and industry and must be disposed. Nuclear power reactors generate huge quantities of spent nuclear fuel which must be dealt with.

Radioactive Waste 167 - Australia Developing Synroc (Synthetic Rock ) Process For Radioactive Waste Disposal

        I have posted about the process of vitrification in the past. Radioactive waste is mixed with sand and other chemicals and then the mixture is subjected to high temperature that melts it. After it solidifies, a glass cylinder is the result. This can be buried in a geological repository.
