September 2017

Nuclear Reactors 303 - NuScale Researches Alternative Uses For Its Small Modular Reactors

       Almost all of my posts about nuclear reactors have been about nuclear power reactors that convert heat to electricity for industrial, municipal and home use as baseload supply for large electrical grids. There are other uses for nuclear power reactors. NuScale is working on small modular reactors with output levels of less than three hundred megawatts.

Nuclear Reactors 302 - Finland Having Problems Completing It's Two New Nuclear Power Reactors

        Finland currently has four operational nuclear power reactors which together supply about thirty percent of their electricity. They are in the process of building three more nuclear reactors, one for experiments and two for power generation. They hope to up the share of power generated by nuclear energy to about sixty percent.

Nuclear Weapons 307 - In 1966, The Soviet Union Used A Nuclear Bomb To Extinguish A Natual Gas Fire

       I have written before about the use of nuclear bombs for civilian purposes. The U.S. and the Soviet Union explored various possibilities decades ago but ideas such as using nuclear explosive to dig canals or to frack for natural gas were abandoned. The Soviet Union was always more ambitious than the U.S. with respect to possible civilian uses for nuclear explosives.
