Nuclear Reactors 175 - China Gambles On Public Offering of Stock in State-Owned Nuclear Companies

        I have mentioned in previous blogs that the Chinese have made a major national commitment to nuclear power both for domestic consumption and for export of nuclear technology to other countries. I have also mentioned that investors are generally leery of nuclear power as a sound investment. Now these two facts have collided as Chinese nuclear companies are going public.

Radioactive Waste 105 - Potential Use of Depleted Uranium Munitions in the Fight Against the Islamic State

          Sometime ago I posted an article about the use of depleted uranium in munitions that were used in Iraq during U.S. military action there. I was immediately attacked by a  troll who claimed that there was no evidence that the depleted uranium dust left behind was any threat to human health. We traded a few posts and he said derogatory things about the general accuracy of my blog.

Nuclear Reactors 174 - Some Problems with the Claim That Nuclear Power is Safe and Economical

          I understand why members of the nuclear industry are so adamant that nuclear power is the answer to our energy needs. They stand to make billions of dollars if more nuclear reactors are build. On the other hand, I am having trouble understanding why some prominent environmentalists agree that nuclear power is an important part of the future mix of energy sources.
