Radioactive Waste 100 - State of Washington Seeks Court Action Against the Department of Energy over Hanford Cleanup

         I have written many posts about the Hanford Nuclear Reservation near Richland, Washington. It is one of the most radioactively polluted areas in the world. After decades of plutonium production for the U.S. nuclear arsenal, a great deal of cleanup still remains to be done. The U.S.

Nuclear Reactors 171 - Spikes of Radiation Release During Refueling of Nuclear Reactors May Contribute to Infant Leukemia

         The proponents of nuclear power like to say that a properly functioning nuclear power plant is no threat to public health. Dangerous radiation from materials in a nuclear reactor is invisible. Part of the problem with verifying the safety of a reactor is that fact the biological damage from radiation can take decades to reveal itself in the form of cancer.
