Nuclear Reactors 152 - Japan Debates Restarting Nuclear Power Reactors

         Japan had been generating about thirty percent of its electricity from nuclear reactors before the Fukushima disaster in March of 2011. Following the disaster, all of Japan's 54 power reactors were shut down. Since then, there has been a debate about whether or not the power reactors should be shut down permanently. The Abe government wants to restart the reactors and to make export of nuclear technology a big part of Japan's international trade.

Nuclear Reactors 151 - Nuclear Trade and the U.S. Export-Import Bank

         I have mentioned in previous posts that some of the nuclear nations have made export of nuclear technology a priority for their international trade. The United States, France, Japan, Russia and China are all busy bidding to build nuclear power plants in developing countries. In France, Japan, Russia and China, their governments are part or whole owners of the major nuclear companies.

Radioactive Waste 87 - Study on the Dangers of Exposure to Toxic Vapors from Hanford Waste Tanks

         I have blogged about injury to workers at Hanford as a result of exposure to vapors from nuclear waste storage tanks. During this spring and summer, forty two workers have received medical evaluation because they may have been exposed to toxic fumes vented from the Hanford waste tanks. There have been other incidents of such exposure in the past. Unfortunately the changes that were made to deal with the problem have fallen short of protecting the workers.
