Nuclear Weapons 87 - The Unites States Accuses Russia of Violating the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty

         In my last post, I discussed the groups that are encouraging the federal government to develop a new nuclear warhead and launch vehicle called the Long-Range Stand Off cruise missile. Ironically, just after writing that post I came across an article that said Obama was accusing the Russians of violating a treaty when they tested a new ground launched long range nuclear cruise missile. So presumably, if the U.S.

Nuclear Weapons 86 - Push for Creation of New U.S. Nuclear Weapon

         I have posted before on attempts to remove nuclear weapons from the arsenals of nations. Nuclear disarmament was once a major political issue with hundreds of thousands of people across the world gathering to protest nuclear weapons. As the focus shifted from the Cold War to the "war on terror," public concern over nuclear weapons has waned.
