Nuclear Reactors 139 - Battle over the future of the United States Export - Import Bank

        I have mentioned the economic aspects of nuclear power in many posts. I have also mentioned that nuclear nations such as France, Russia, Japan, China and the United States are trying to sell nuclear technology to other countries that do not have their own nuclear industries with a lot of these potential customers being Third World countries. Today, I am going to see how these two topics intertwine in the U.S.

Geiger Readings for June 28, 2014

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 126 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 126 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 128 nanosieverts per hour
Gala Apple from Top Foods = 112 nanosieverts per hour
Tap water = 101 nanosieverts per hour
Filtered water = 94 nanosieverts per hour
Halibut - Caught in USA = 65 nanosieverts per hour

Nuclear Weapons 83 - Russians Lose One of Only Three Satellites for Monitoring Nuclear Missile Launches

         I have posted many essays on nuclear weapons. Most people are not aware or are not bothered by the fact that the United States and Russia both have about fifteen hundred nuclear missiles aimed at each other that can launch in minutes. As I have posted before, the U.S. missile forces has low morale all the way up to the generals in charge.
