Geiger Readings for June 13, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 131 - The Battle Between Nuclear and Renewable Power Generation
I have blogged in the past about the battle between the nuclear industry and the renewable energy sector. For many years, nuclear enjoyed a protected status as an energy source. Billions of dollars allocated for loans and grants and long-term contracts guaranteed a fixed price for electricity generated by nuclear power, even if cheaper electricity was available.
Geiger Readings for June 12, 2014
Nuclear Weapons 81 - Update on Problems with the U.S. Nuclear Forces 2
I have posted several times about the problems in the U.S. nuclear missile forces. The U.S. missile force is responsible for the maintenance and launch of four hundred and fifty intercontinental missiles based in North Dakota, Montana, and Wyoming. Generals have been fired for misbehavior, launch officers cannot pass certification exams, facilities are deteriorating, soldiers have been arrested for drug offenses and, in general, morale is at an all time low.
Geiger Readings for June 11, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 130 - France Prepares for a Major International Exhibit of Nuclear Technology
I have blogged in the past about the push by countries with nuclear industries to export nuclear technology to non-nuclear nations especially in the third world. Russia, China, the United States, Japan, France and South Korea are all engaged in fighting for export sales.