Radioactive Waste 82 - Update on the Recent Accident at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant 7

         As information continues to trickle out about the April accident at Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP) near Carlsbad, New Mexico, once again I am going to offer an update. WIPP has been open for fifteen years and is the only repository used to dispose of plutonium contaminated waste from the U.S. nuclear weapons program.

Geiger Readings for June 7, 2014

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 113 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 68 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 60 nanosieverts per hour
Celery from Top Foods = 88 nanosieverts per hour
Tap water = 76 nanosieverts per hour
Filtered water = 65 nanosieverts per hour
Halibut - Caught in Canada = 68 nanosieverts per hour

Nuclear Reactors 129 - Concern over Volcanoes Delays Restart of Japanese Power Reactors

         I have dealt with the potential and actual impact of natural disasters such as earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, and tidal waves on nuclear reactors. However, there is another natural danger that is not often raised with respect to endangering nuclear power plants.
