Geiger Readings for April 9, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 116 - The Threat of Another Major Nuclear Accident.
I have blogged about a lot of nuclear accidents both large and small. I have often said that if there is one more major nuclear accident in the world, it could seriously damage the reputation of nuclear power. Politicians, investors and the public at large will be much less inclined to support the construction of new reactors. And, given the realities of the nuclear industry, it is inevitable that there will be another major nuclear accident.
Geiger Readings for April 8, 2014
Geiger Readings for April 8, 2014
Nuclear Reactors 115 - Upgrading U.S. Nuclear Power Reactors for Greater Earthquake Resistance
One of the most frightening dangers that nuclear reactors face is the possibility of a nearby earthquake. Containment domes could crack, reactor cores could be severely damaged and melt down, spent fuel pools could be emptied and expose fuel rods to the open air, etc. The ability of the design of a particular reactor to withstand possible earthquakes in the vicinity is very important with respect to licensing the site of a nuclear reactor.