Geiger Readings for February 22, 2014

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745
Ambient office = 61 nanosieverts per hour
Ambient outside = 77 nanosieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain water = 88 nanosieverts per hour
Iceberg lettuce from Top Foods = 86 nanosieverts per hour
Tap water = 79 nanosieverts per hour
Filtered water = 71 nanosieverts per hour
Wild Salmon - Previously frozen = 95 nanosieverts per hour

Radioactive Waste 64 -Ocean Dumping of Radioactive Waste

           I have been blogging about illegal dumping of nuclear wastes by and in different countries. Some of the articles have contained references to ocean dumping of wastes. There have been various international treaties signed intended to stop such practices including the London Convention of 1972 which went into effect in 1975.

Radioactive Waste 63 - Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in Japan 1

           My recent posts have been about illegal handling of nuclear waste in Russia. One of the incidents I covered involved Russian dumping of nuclear waste into the Sea of Japan. The Japanese citizens reacted strongly to the news of this dumping. The Japanese government demanded a halt to Russian dumping. Ironically, it turns out that Japanese companies may have been involved in illegal dumping of Japanese nuclear waste.
