Radioactive Waste 52 - Illegal Nuclear Waste Dumping in Italy 1

        In 1980, the Camorra Mafia took over the garbage removal in the Italian state of Campania. At the same time, the 'Ndrangheta Mafia moved into the garbage business in Calabria, another southern Italian state. The Mafia is drawn to garbage collection because " It’s easy to infiltrate, it’s a desperate necessity for every citizen, and it’s not terribly hard to do." Organized crime all over the world is in the garbage business.

Peaceful A-bombs 5 - U.S. Nuclear Fracking Tests

           Last year, I posted several blog articles about the "Peaceful A-bombs." These articles recounted efforts by the U.S., Soviet Union and other countries to find a peaceful use for nuclear bombs. Some of the uses considered had to do with earth moving such as digging canals with a linear series of nuclear bombs. Another possibility was digging out artificial harbors with nuclear bombs. Both the U.S.
