Nuclear Reactors 58 - Nuclear Refueling Affects Cost of Electricity

           The cost of generating electricity is a complex issue. We get electricity from a variety of sources and have to compare apples and oranges as the saying goes. How do you cost electricity from hydro? Aside for maintenance and staff, there is not a fuel cost. On the other hand, when you have oil, coal or natural gas plants, there is a well defined cost for the fuel that you burn.

Nuclear Reactors 57 - Small Modular Nuclear Reactors Have Critics.

           I have written about small modular nuclear reactors before. There are some in the nuclear industry who feel that these new designs will be the salvation of their business. One idea is to build the reactors in factories and then ship them to the site which would substantially reduce construction costs. The new reactor designs can also be used in countries where the electrical grid would not be able to accept the output of a traditional billion watt nuclear reactor.
