Nuclear Reactors 45 - China is Building a Lot of Reactors

             I have always been fascinated by China. Their culture stretches back thousands of years. They have an amazing record of invention that was largely unknown in the West until the Twentieth Century. They also have a record of making sudden and profound changes in their society. I recently read 1421 by Gavin Menzies in which he describes two of these shifts. Around 1420, the Chinese built and dispatched thousands of ships to explore and map the entire world.

Nuclear Accidents 19 - Whats going on at Fukushima?

           There has been a lot of news lately about the mess at Fukushima. They are still not sure exactly where the cores are. Water is being pumped underground to cool the cores that melted into the earth. We are told that hundreds of tons of contaminated groundwater from Fukushima have been flowing into the Pacific daily since the accident. Estimates are that the plume of contaminated water will reach the West Coast of the U.S. within the next year.
