Geiger Readings for May 12, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on May 12, 2013

Ambient office = .069 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .081 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .062 microsieverts per hour

Vine ripened tomato from Costco = .090 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .119 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .105 microsieverts per hour

Geiger Readings for May 11. 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on May 11, 2013

Ambient office = .086 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .077 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .080 microsieverts per hour

Romaine lettuce from Costco = .141 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .097 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .081 microsieverts per hour

Nuclear Waste 26 - Hanford Vitrification Plant Problems

             In a recent post I mentioned problems they were having problems with the cleanup at the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The situation is getting a lot more press recently. There are around fifty four million gallons of highly toxic nuclear waste stored in the tanks buried at Hanford. The older single wall tanks are leaking and they are transferring the contents of some of them to double walled tanks. Now it appears that some of the double walled tanks are also leaking.

Geiger Readings for May 10, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on May 10, 2013

Ambient office = .087 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .100 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .088 microsieverts per hour

Mango from Costco = .121 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .106 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .085 microsieverts per hour

California Energy Crisis

          California is dealing with a crisis with respect to the supply of electrical power available to its citizens in the southern part of the state. This crisis involves the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. I have discussed the San Onofre power plant in previous posts. The power plant is located on the Pacific Coast near San Diego. It is operated by Southern California Edison (SCE). SCE’s parent company, Edison International owns seventy eight percent of the plant.

Geiger Readings for May 9, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on May 09, 2013

Ambient office = .081 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .090 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain water = .094 microsieverts per hour

Dried blueberries from Costco = .067 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .070 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .065 microsieverts per hour

Impact of Sequester on the Savannah River Site

              I have discussed my concerns about the impact of financial problems on nuclear safety in the United States. I have recently spent a lot of blog posts on problems involving civilian nuclear reactors in the United States but I have also mentioned and posted links about problems at governmental installation such as the Hanford Nuclear Reservation. The Savannah River Site is a United States nuclear reservation twenty five miles southeast of Savannah, Georgia.
