Geiger Reading for April 2, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on April 2, 2013

Ambient office = .106 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .082 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain = .120 microsieverts per hour

Sliced mushrooms from local grocery store .106 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .116 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .099 microsieverts per hour

U.S. Nuclear Reactors 24 - Fort Calhoun, Nebraska

           The Fort Calhoun Nuclear Generating Station is located between Fort Calhoun and Blair, Nebraska near the Missouri River. There is one four hundred and eighty four megawatt Combustion Engineering pressurized water reactor at the plant. The reactor began operation in 1973 with a forty year license which expired in 2003. At that time, the plant was relicensed until 2033. The plant is owned by the Omaha Public Power District and currently operated by Exelon Nuclear Partners.

Geiger Readings for April 1, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on April 1, 2013

Ambient office = .099 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .130 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain = .138 microsieverts per hour

Romaine lettuce .093 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .093 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .077 microsieverts per hour

U.S. Reactors 23 - Watts Bar, Tennessee

          The Watts Bar Nuclear Power Plant is located between Chattanooga and Knoxville, Tennessee.  There is one operating one thousand one hundred megawatt Westinghouse pressurized water reactor at the plant. Two reactors were originally commissioned and construction began in 1973. The Unit One reactor was completed in 1996 after twenty three years and eight billion dollars.

Geiger Readings for March 31, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on March 30, 2013

Ambient office = .085 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .108 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain = .102 microsieverts per hour

Redleaf lettuce .089 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .063 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .045 microsieverts per hour

Geiger Readings for March 30, 2013

Latitude 47.704656 Longitude -122.318745

Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on March 30, 2013

Ambient office = .110 microsieverts per hour

Ambient outside = .087 microsieverts per hour

Soil exposed to rain = .072 microsieverts per hour

Vine ripened tomato from grocery store  = .079 microsieverts per hour

Tap water = .054 microsieverts per hour

Filtered water = .033 microsieverts per hour
