Nuclear Reactors 19 - New Modular Designs
There are conflicting forces at work in the global nuclear industry. On the one hand, the disaster at Fukushima has caused some countries to end their use nuclear energy for power generation. On the other hand, other countries have announced bold new initiatives to expand the use of nuclear power generation. Citizens protest against nuclear power while nuclear companies promote its use.
Geiger Readings for March 28, 2013
Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on March 28, 2013
Ambient office = .113 microsieverts per hour
Ambient outside = .117 microsieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain = .093 microsieverts per hour
Mango from grocery store = .088 microsieverts per hour
Tap water = .102 microsieverts per hour
Filtered water = .083 microsieverts per hour
U.S. Nuclear Reactors 22 - Diablo Canyon, California
The Diablo Canyon Power Plant is located near San Luis Obispo in southern California on the Pacific Coast. The plant has two one thousand one hundred Westinghouse pressurized water nuclear reactors. Unit One was commissioned in 1985 and Unit Two was commissioned in 1986. The plant is owned and operated by Pacific Gas & Electric. In 2009, PG&E applied for a twenty year extension of the licenses for the reactors.
Geiger Readings for March 27, 2013
Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on March 27, 2013
Ambient office = .069 microsieverts per hour
Ambient outside = .087 microsieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain = .077 microsieverts per hour
Hass Avacado from grocery store = .075 microsieverts per hour
Tap water = .124 microsieverts per hour
Filtered water = .104 microsieverts per hour
Radioactive Waster 22 - Bioremediation
I have written more than twenty blog posts about radioactive waste. It is one of the most serious problems with uranium mining, processing and power generation. I have covered a lot of different schemes to deal with radioactive waste in other blogs posts. Today, I am going to focus on something called bioremediation.
Geiger Readings for March 26, 2013
Geiger Counter Readings in Seattle, WA on March 26, 2013
Ambient office = .112 microsieverts per hour
Ambient outside = .072 microsieverts per hour
Soil exposed to rain = .072 microsieverts per hour
Organic quinoa from grocery store = .122 microsieverts per hour
Tap water = .093 microsieverts per hour
Filtered water = .077 microsieverts per hour