November 2014
Geiger Readings for November 14, 2014
Nuclear Weapons 108 - Russia Expands Its Nuclear Arsenal
I have been blogging lately about national nuclear arsenals. After talking about Israel and China. Today, I am going to discuss aspects of the Russian nuclear arsenal. The U.S. State Department published a report on September 1st of this year about Russian nuclear weapons developments. The report stated that Russia has now reached parity with U.S. strategic nuclear weapons.
Radiation News Roundup November 13, 2014
Japan has chosen to incinerate tons of Fukushima radioactive waste. nuclear-news.not
Geiger Readings for November 13, 2014
Radioactive Waste 107 - Republican Win of Senate Breathes New Life Into the Yucca Mountain Repository
I have blogged about the Yucca Mountain geological repository in Nevada for the permanent disposal of spent nuclear fuel and other nuclear wastes. The U.S. Department of Energy spent over ten years working on the creation of the repository but President Obama cancelled the project in conjunction with Henry Reid (D-Nevada), the current Senate Majority Leader.
Radiation News Roundup November 12, 2014
A Letter Hand-delivered to the UN and UNSCEAR, Requesting Revision of UNSCEAR Report And a New UN Mandate for UNSCEAR.
Geiger Readings for November 12, 2014
Nuclear Weapons 97 - China is Developing A New Mobile Land Based Nuclear Missile
In my last blog, I discussed the nuclear arsenal of Israel. Today I am going to talk about Chinese nuclear weapons and delivery systems. A recent report from a Chinese environmental office revealed advancements in the Chinese nuclear weapons program.
Geiger Readings for November 11, 2014
Nuclear Weapons 96 - Israel Maintains Secrecy About Their Nuclear Arsenal
I have blogged about Israel's nuclear arsenal in the past. Although Israel will not publicly admit to having nuclear weapons, it is generally believed that they do have deliverable nuclear warheads. Israel has never signed the 1970 Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Geiger Readings for November 10, 2014
Geiger Readings for November 9, 2014
Geiger Readings for November 8, 2014
Radioactive Waste 106 - Rare Birth Defects Four Times Average Around Hanford Nuclear Reservation
I have blogged recently about the subtle long-term effects of radiation exposure on human health. It can take decades for radiation damage to manifest as illness so it is very difficult to pin down the dangers of radioactive contaminants.